How to Enroll

Enrollment in the ECLC program is open to children between the ages of three and five years without discrimination in regards to race, gender, or ethnic origin. Children must turn 3 prior to August 1 in the year that they are attending.   


If you would like your child to attend the ECLC, the first step is to contact the school office and ask to be put on the waiting list. At that time, an appointment for a tour can be made so that you may decide whether the environment is right for your family.

All Kirksville R-III resident students are welcome to apply, while non-resident students are welcome to apply for preschool spaces. Students who live within the district boundaries will be given first consideration for placement.  


 Once an opening for enrollment occurs, we immediately look at the waiting list.  When a classroom spot becomes available we work with established guidelines. Siblings and district employees have priority.  We also take into consideration developmental needs, diversity, age and gender distribution and time on the waiting list.  As a result of the application process, we are unable to “number” our applicants.  Until an actual opening occurs for your child, we are unable to give a definite time frame for enrollment.

The majority of our enrollment occurs in the fall. However, people occasionally make life-changing decisions that affect their enrollment at the Early Childhood Learning Center (e. g. moving).  Life changes can result in an unanticipated opening for a child.  As a result, we encourage you to join our waiting list as soon as you become interested in our program.

Before your child starts a program, your child will participate in a developmental screening. Then you and your child will be able to visit the room, join in activities, learn about the daily schedule, meet the teachers and talk to the administrative staff. Screening and visits will be scheduled through the ECLC office. Please bring any questions or concerns you have. This is an important day for both the family and children and we want you to feel comfortable with every aspect of the ECLC.
